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Brief Introduction About Gurez valley Gurez, a top adventure location north of Kashrnir, serves as a starting point for travellers on the fabled silk road through central Asia. The most remarkable mountain in Kashmir is the pyramid-shaped peak that bears Habba Khatoon's name, a celebrated Kashmiri poetess. Through Gurez, the emperor Yousuf Shah Chak—who is thought to be a Dard from Gilgit—entered Kashmir. It is thought that Habba Khafton, the beloved of the emperor who was imprisoned by King Akbar, used to walk about close to the top in search of her sweetheart Visitors are lulled to calm sleep by the roar of the powerful Kishan-Ganga River as it flows over the valley and resonates with the surrounding mountains. Gurez resembles a European country side due to its typical log homes. Gurez Valley residents are Dards who speak the Sheena language and have historical ties to Pakistan's Gilgit Valley. The Dards' physical characteristics and garb resemble those of the mountainous Kashmiri people. Even though Gurez is a remote location, the Dard race's members have improved themselves through perseverance and a good education. Daring women are attractive and physically fit, and they spend their summers gathering wood from the mountains in preparation for the severe winters when it is impossible to move more than 20 feet outside. The Kishen Ganga River near Gurez provides both challenging and easy-level rafting opportunities. Some of the mountains provide really difficult rock climbing terrain. Locals frequently engage in the sport of trout fishing in order to get a good dinner for the day. Brown trout on the Kishen Ganga River or streams that flow from the highlands will excite anglers. There are excellent locations by the river in Gurez where tents can be set. The picturesque hamlet of Tilel, which are 20 kilometres from Gurez, have log homes that wonderfully complement the breathtaking vista of mountains covered with fir and pine trees. Only seven years old, the route from Gurez to Tilel has been expanded to Drass in the Kargil area. The hardscrabble manner of life of the residents of Tilel might inspire visitors to help promote the area in some way. Gurez and Tilel are the starting points for hiking routes that go up to Gangabal and Sonamorg to the east and Drass, Dahanu, and Zanskar to the north. GUREZ Valley-Holiday Packages