Brief Introduction About Mansar Lake

Jammu City Brief Introduction About Mansar Lake One of the most well-known adventure tourism locations in India is the Mansar lake, which is close to the city of Jammu. Mansar is another name for Mansrover. National Highway No. 1A is roughly 20 kilometres from Mansar Lake. National Highway 1A just outside of Samba leads to the Mansar Lake.

History Of Mansar Lake Near Jammu

Mansar's past may be traced back to the reign of Mahabhartata. In the prehistoric era of the Mahabhartata, this territory was ruled by Babar Vahan, the son of Arjun and Ulpi (who was the daughter of King Nag). After the fight, Arjun performed the Ashwamegh Yagya to demonstrate his might and dominance over this country. At the village of "khoon," close to the village of Ramkot on the Dhar Udhampur route, where Arjun was subsequently killed by Babar Vahan, the power emblem of the Ashwamegh Yagya—a horse—was taken by Babar Vahan. After succeeding, Babar Vahan wanted to celebrate with his mother and gave her the head of Arjun.

She then admitted that he had murdered his father. He intended to revive Arjun after learning that he was Babar's father, therefore he had to get the Mani from Sheshnag in order to do it. At that point, Babar Vahan created the "Surangsar," a tunnel with his arrow. Surinsar is the new name for this. He emerged at Manisar, today known as Mansar, which was the opposite end of the tunnel after conquering Sheshnag and seizing the Mani.

How To Reach Mansar Lake Near Jammu

Mansar prides of having excellent road access from several locations in Jammu. By taking the National Highway from Jammu to the neighbouring state of Punjab, one may reach Mansar. While travelling from Jammu to Srinagar through National Highway 1A, there is also a method to reach from Udhampur, the District Headquarters and a town about 60 kilometres from Jammu on the National Highway.

Thus, it is clear that the Mansar Lake Road connects to a crucial route that runs directly from Pathankot in Punjab to Udhampur in Jammu & Kashmir, creating a town of strategic significance on the outskirts of National Highway No. 1A. A detour may be made through Jammu's interior town by taking a shortcut from Mansar or Samba to Udhampur. Additionally, a smaller lake by the name of Surinsar Lake is connected to Mansar Lake, which is located 24 kilometres away from Jammu.

Overall, it is a stunning location to see, and you should add it on your list of must-see locations when travelling to Jammu. Mansar Lake Jammu, Acme Kashmir Travels

ABOUT Mansar

Jammu City One of the most well-known adventure tourism locations in India is the Mansar lake, which is close to the city of Jammu. Mansar is another name for Mansrover. National Highway No. 1A is roughly 20 kilometres from Mansar Lake. National Highway 1A just outside of Samba leads to the Mansar Lake.

History Of Mansar Lake Near Jammu

Mansar's Lakes past may be traced back to the reign of Mahabhartata. In the prehistoric era of the Mahabhartata, this territory was ruled by Babar Vahan, the son of Arjun and Ulpi (who was the daughter of King Nag). After the fight, Arjun performed the Ashwamegh Yagya to demonstrate his might and dominance over this country. At the village of "khoon," close to the village of Ramkot on the Dhar Udhampur route, where Arjun was subsequently killed by Babar Vahan, the power emblem of the Ashwamegh Yagya—a horse—was taken by Babar Vahan. After succeeding, Babar Vahan wanted to celebrate with his mother and gave her the head of Arjun.

She then admitted that he had murdered his father. He intended to revive Arjun after learning that he was Babar's father, therefore he had to get the Mani from Sheshnag in order to do it. At that point, Babar Vahan created the "Surangsar," a tunnel with his arrow. Surinsar is the new name for this. He emerged at Manisar, today known as Mansar, which was the opposite end of the tunnel after conquering Sheshnag and seizing the Mani.

How To Reach Mansar Lake Near Jammu

Mansar prides of having excellent road access from several locations in Jammu. By taking the National Highway from Jammu to the neighbouring state of Punjab, one may reach Mansar. While travelling from Jammu to Srinagar through National Highway 1A, there is also a method to reach from Udhampur, the District Headquarters and a town about 60 kilometres from Jammu on the National Highway.

Thus, it is clear that the Mansar Lake Road connects to a crucial route that runs directly from Pathankot in Punjab to Udhampur in Jammu & Kashmir, creating a town of strategic significance on the outskirts of National Highway No. 1A. A detour may be made through Jammu's interior town by taking a shortcut from Mansar or Samba to Udhampur. Additionally, a smaller lake by the name of Surinsar Lake is connected to Mansar Lake, which is located 24 kilometres away from Jammu.

Overall, it is a stunning location to see, and you should add it on your list of must-see locations when travelling to Jammu.